Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a cooking pot, traditionally made of clay, but more commonly made of aluminium or steel now
Ka kuren iyan ka kendiru ne egsubbaan te minsan nekey. Innimu seini ligkat te putew piru dengan ligkat te basak. Nakalkalasi se karakelan kayi wey ke nekey se igsubba.
Nabutbutan e ka kuren ney su nabuyag e.
Our pot has holes in it because it is already old.
Eng. cooking pot; clay pot; earthen pot; pot for cooking
Tag. palayók
Ceb. kolon
Ilo.: bánga
OCM: Food Preparation (252), Utensils (415)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,TME,RJH
Last updated: 02/Dec/2015

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"kuren" in healthbook "Naluwasan si Iwayan"

"kuren" in healthbook "Naluwasan si Iwayan"

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