Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Morpho. paN- kayepkep ????
vi.Picture of egpangayepkep
for someone (egpangayepkep, migpangayepkep, pangayepkep, agent, eg><ø-) to have the arms folded
Ka egpangayepkep iyan ka egpegbakuen ka belad wey igsuksuk ka me kemel diyè te ilek. Emun ke egpinnuu ne egpanumbilangan naa.
Malised iya ka kanakan su warè egkakepkepan ke maagsil sikan naa ka egpangayepkep naan .
It is really hard of being a single because no one can be cuddled with so he will just fold his arms.
Usig ubag si usi ne egpangayepkep ke egsasindeg iling te hambuhen.
Usi is fond of folding his arms like a boastful when standing.
Iyan bes igpangayepkep layun ni Digù su iggeles ka kemel rin ne napugpug.
The reason why Digu keeps on folding his arms is to hide his chopped off fingers.
Eng. arms folded; folded arms
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,TME,RAA
Last updated: 23/Oct/2017

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