Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egmenà, eg><ø-) to hold on cultural belief or tradition
Ka egmenà iyan ka eggen-gen pad karaan ne kultura te sabeka ne tribu wey punduk naa minsan nekeiskuyle e. Iyan pad iya man-e eggamiten ka karaan ne batasanen wey amana egtuman te balaud wey tuluuwen te tribu minsan meupiya wey mareet.
Egmenà pad iya ka me karumaan ney diyè te Salug su kenè egkaayun ne egngaranan sikandan.
Our relatives in Salug are still holding on to our tradition because they don’t permit that they will be called by name.
Kenè ka pangawang eglalag ke diyè kid te me Talumu su egmenà ma iya mulè sikandan.
Do not speak nonsense when we get to the Talumu people because they really observe traditional customs.
Nekeiskuyle e si Mulung piru egmenà ded iya man-e.
Mulung got schooled but he still observing cultural beliefs.
Eng. keep traditional customs; observe belief; holding to tradition
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: TME
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009