Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a hill or mound
Wrd.Gloss: hill
Eng. hill; mound
OCM: Topography and Geology (133)
DDP: Mountain (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for land (eglabuntud, miglabuntud/inlabuntud, labuntud, actor & theme, eg><ø-) to become hill (e.g. because of a flood, or people digging)
Eglabuntud e ka lama su layun eg-ug-uhi te tanè.
The ground is become hill because always put a soil.
Eng. hill, become; mound, become
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
Syn. puntul
Iyan kaluwasan te seini ne lalag ke migketul ne tanè wey ke pulu naa te bubungan. Egkaayun ne migketul ka tanè tenged su impaketul te me etew wey ke tapey naan e iya ne migketul.
Mani buwa te kenè diyè egmambebaley ka me menubu te lebuntud su diyè iya te kalandihan.
I don't know why the natives won't built their houses at the summit, but in slope.
Eng. summit; peak
Tag. tuktók; taluktók
Ceb. kinatumyan; kinataasan
Ilo.: túktuk ti bántay
OCM: Ethnogeography (823), Topography and Geology (133)
DDP: Mountain (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 07/Apr/2016

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