Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egdukduk, migdukduk, indukduk, agent, eg><ø-) to thump or bash (someone) (egdukduken/dukdukenen, patient, eg><en-) with the bottom of a closed fist (igdukduk, instrument, ig><ø-)
Egdukduk sikandin te batè ne kenè egetulik te panulu.
He will thump those children who are not listening to advice.
Egdukduken ad e perem te amey ku su mananey ema nekeulì ka migpanakeru.
My father is almost to thump me because I took a long time to fetch water.
Iyan igdukduk keddì te amey ku ka gibang ne kemù din.
My father using his left fist to thump me.
Syn. tabungkuk
Eng. thump; bash; break-in; pound
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

(egparukdukey, eg><ø-pA><ey-) to (engage in) boxing (with somebody)
Mani buwa te egparukdukey ka talahari,e uya buwa su nekegbuyu te sabeka ne malitan.
Morpho. ?rdpCVC-
Eng. boxing
Tag. bóksing; suntók; sapók
Ceb. boksing
Ilo.: bóksing; dinnanúgan
OCM: Commercialized Sports (542)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 16/Sep/2014