Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egperi, migperi, imperi, agent, eg><ø-) to split something (egperiyen, imperi, patient, eg><en-) into (two or more) pieces with an axe (igperi, imperi, instrument, ig><ø-)
Cult. to axe (firewood) or a split a tablet in half
Egperi a te kayu.
I'm going chop a wood
Egperiyen ku te wasey ka kayu.
I will chop a wood through axe.
Syn. buang
Eng. split; chop and split; axe
Tag. magpalakól (to axe); magsibák (to split firewood with an axe or bolo)
OCM: Lumbering (313)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
n.Picture of peri
a bar of something, such as soap
Eng. bar
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(egkaperi, naperi, egkA><ø-) split
Eng. split
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(periyen, -en) a piece which is split off; to split something in pieces
Eng. split
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,AAA,RJH
Last updated: 17/Sep/2014

Links to health books

"naperi" in healthbook "Nekey-a ka kahew?"

"peri" in healthbook "Nahepu ka belad ni Binuy"