Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: pegbelegyè
MS: pegbelegyè
an action of selling something.
She was very sad about the sale of her horse.
The sale of alcohol to people under 18 is illegal.

Def.: timpu te pegpamalepet te bali te me beliyenen
MS: timpu te pegpamalepet te bali te me beliyenen
an event where a shop sells things at a lower price than usual.
That shop is having a sale next week, and everything will be half-price.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0601-0625

for sale
Def.: egbelegyè
MS: egbelegyè
If something is for sale, the owner wants to sell it.
Sorry, this horse is not for sale.
Pasaylu a key , seini ne kuddè kenè ne belegyè.

on sale
Def.: nataggel e ne igbelegyè
MS: nataggel e ne igbelegyè
If things are on sale, they are in shops and ready to buy.
That book is on sale in all large bookstores now.
Def.: egpareisekan te bali ka me belegyè puun te nateil ne bali
If something is on sale, you can buy it for less than its usual price.
Only the things on this shelf are on sale; everything else is full-price.
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012

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