Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: nakabagget
MS: nakabagget
Your motivation for doing something is the thing which causes you to choose to do it.
His motivation for visiting is to talk to my brother.
Ka nakabagget kandin te pegpanumbaley iyan ka egpakiglalag te suled ku.

Def.: kabagget te peggimu ne mapahetpet
MS: kabagget te peggimu ne mapahetpet
If you have motivation, you have the interest and the energy to do something.
He has a lot of motivation, so we don't need to tell him to work.
Amanan dakel ka kineiya rin te peggimu, sikak kenad keilangan ne eglalahan te pad sikandin ne eggimu.
Sem.Dom.: AWL6
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jan/2013