Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpakameupiya
MS: egpakameupiya
If one thing justifies another, it causes that other thing to be right.
Getting good results doesn't justify cheating.
Te pegkuwa te meupiya ne gradu kenè egpakameupiya ka egpanlimbung.

Def.: eglalahen nu ke mania te meupiya diyè te kuna ka peggimu te minsan nekey
If you justify something that you do, you say why it is right for you to do it.
She just said sorry, and didn't try to justify her actions.
Migkahi sikandin te pasaylua a, wey warè miglalag sikandin ke mania te neyimu rin seeyè.

Def.: egkahi te matareng (meyitenged te Manama).
MS: egkahi te matareng
If God justifies you, he says that you are righteous or good.

Def.: egmatul-iren ka tagsè ilis te sinulat
MS: egmatul-iren ka tagsè ilis te sinulat
If you justify writing on a computer, you cause the lines of writing to be straight on the left side, the right side or both sides.
Sem.Dom.: AWL3; keyterms

n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: 1 pegpakameupiya; 2 peglalag ke mania te meupiya ka peggimu te minsan nekey; 3 pegkahi te matareng
MS: pegpameupiya; peglalag ke mania te meupiya ka peggimu te minsan nekey; pegkahi te maheteng wey meupiya
the action of justifying.
Def.: egpakameupiya
MS: egpakameupiya
something which causes another thing to be right.
There is no justification for cheating.
Def.: me lalag ne egpangguhud ke mania te meupiya diyè te kuna ka peggimu te minsan nekey
words which explain why it was right for you to do something.
She gave no justification for what she had done.
Status: ready

Last updated: 19/Sep/2012