Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egsuman-suman
MS: egsuman-suman
If you imagine something, you make a picture of it in your mind.
Try to imagine him with no hair.
Sumsumana nu ne warè bulbul din.

Def.: egpakasuman-suman te pangitabù piru kenè ne malehet
If you imagined something, you thought that it happened, but actually it didn't.
I thought I heard voices, but there is nobody there, so maybe I only imagined it.
Hendue te nakarineg a te me laheng, piru warè minsan hentew diyè, su kema ke nasuman-suman ku .

Def.: egsumsumanen ne egkamalehet
MS: egsumsumanen ne egkamalehet
If you imagine that something is the case or will happen, you think that it is probably the case or will probably happen.
I imagine that they will need dinner when they arrive.
Egsuman-suman a ne egkeilangan sikandan te iglabung ke egpekeyinguma ran.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0651-0675
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Mar/2012