Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: tahuanan te litratu
MS: tahuanan te litratu
a flat thing which you put around a picture. It is made of something such as wood or metal.
That photo will look better if you put it in a frame.
Ka litratu egmeupiya pad ke igtahù te tahuanan.

Def.: egtahù te litratu diyè te tahuanan
MS: egtahù te litratu diyè te tahuanan
If you frame a picture, you put it in a frame (sense 1).

Def.: me bantal (kayu wey ke putew)
MS: bantal, me
the strong pieces of wood, metal or other material which make the basic shape of something such as a house or window.
We've built the frame of the house, but we haven't put the roof or walls on yet.
Migpanday ney e ka me bantal te baley, piru warè ney pad itahù ka me atep wey me alabat.
The glass is broken, but the window frame is still okay.

Def.: eggimu
MS: eggimu
If you frame something such as a plan, you create it.
They framed a plan to catch the criminal.
Eggimu sikandan te pamaahi eyew te pegdakep te mangimatey.

Def.: Eggimuwen ne iyan nakasalè ka lein ne etew te salè ne warè din neyimu.
If someone frames you, they try to make you look as though you committed a crime, even though you didn't.
I didn't take it! I've been framed.
Wara a migkuwa kayi! Miggim-gimuwan e ne iyan nakasalè te kenè ne keddì ne karupangan.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0826-0850
Status: ready

Last updated: 28/Sep/2012