Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: deisek wey ke kenè amana ne keilangan ne baad te minsan nekey
a small or complex part of something.
She just told me the story quickly, because she didn't have time to tell me all the details.
The color of the paper is just a minor detail, and we'll decide that later.
My father fixed the date of the party, but my mother planned all the details, such as food and decorations.

Def.: langun ne dereisek wey ke maralem ne baad te minsan nekey
all of the small or more complex parts of something.
There is a lot of detail in his paintings, so they are very clear and also very interesting.
He went into a lot of detail when he told the story.
He described the woman in detail.

Def.: nenateil ne baad te me katahaanan [kataha͡anan] meyitenged te etew wey butang
The details of someone or something are particular pieces of information about them.
She gave me her contact details, so that I could call or email her.
I don't know all the details about the party, but I know that it is some time in June.

Def.: egsulaten wey egbehey te duma pad ne kanengnengan
If you detail things, you list them and give extra information about them.
In your report, you need to detail everything that happened.

Def.: egsuhù eyew te peggimu te nateil ne minsan nekey ne himu (meyitenged te sundalu)
MS: egsuhù
If someone in the military details a soldier to do something, they order the soldier to do it.
The commander detailed three soldiers to guard the building.
Ka ahalen te sundalu migsuhù te tatelu ne me sundalu ne egpabantayan ka dakel ne baley.

Def.: himu ne insuhù ne igpeyimu te me sundalu
MS: himu ne insuhù
A soldier's detail is the job which someone has ordered them to do.
Their detail is to guard the building.
Ka insuhù kandan ne himu iyan ka egpabantayen te dakel ne baley.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0601-0625
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012