Def.: egsulat te insulat te duma
MS: egsulat te insulat te duma
If you cite a particular book or writer, you write something that they have written, and then give their name.
In her essay, she cited different writers.
Te kandin ne tabak, miggamit sikandin te sinsulat te nalein-lein ne talagsulat.
Def.: eglalag wey egsulat te panunggilingan
MS: eglalag te panunggilingan; egsulat te panunggilingan
If you cite an example, you say or write it.
He cited many examples of people who had lost their farms.
Miglalag sikandin te masalig ne panunggilingan te me etew ne natarinan te me kamet.
Sem.Dom.: AWL6
Def.: 1 pegsulat te insulat te duma; 2 peglalag te panunggilingan
MS: pegsulat te insulat te duma; peglalag te panunggilingan
the action of citing.
Def.: baad te me lalag ne impanguwa diyè te duma
a part or phrase which is taken from a piece of writing.
Her essay had many citations from famous writers.
Ka tabak din ne sinulat masalig ka impanguwa rin ne lalag diyè te mabantug ne manunulat.
Status: ready
Last updated: 26/Sep/2012