Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: lanew ne due egkalihawangan te weyig
MS: lanew ne due egkalihawangan te weyig
an area on the coast where the land curves in.
We put our raft in the small bay, because the waves weren't so strong there.
Intahù ney ka gakit diyè te deisek ne lanew, su ka balud diyè kenè ne makeseg.

Def.: natahahè ne lugar eyew te nateil ne katuyuan
an area which has a certain purpose (e.g. a sick bay in a school for sick children; a loading bay outside a factory for trucks carrying products; a parking bay by the side of the road for vehicles).

at bay
Def.: eggimuwen nu ne egpakasanggel ka minsan nekey
If you keep something at bay, you make it stay away from you.
He used his umbrella to keep the aggressive dog at bay.
Inggamit din ka payung eyew egpakasanggel ka egpangahat ne asu.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1251-1275
Status: not yet fully checked

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012