Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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vi, v-recip.
Def.: Egsabuten ke kamenu karakel ka igbehey, egkarawat, wey ke eggimuwen; eggangyuen
MS: eggangyuen
If you bargain with someone, you talk with them to decide how much each person should give, receive or do.
When I go to the markets, I try to bargain with the stall owners so that I can get a cheaper price.
Ke eggendiya a te palingki, eggeraman ku te eggangyu ka kamuney te bangku eyew egpakakuwa a te baratu.

Def.: sabut te daruwa ne etew (ne ka tagsè sabeka egbehey wey ke egdawat te minsan nekey)
MS: sabut te daruwa ne etew
an agreement between two people, in which each person gives or receives something.
The two managers made a bargain that their businesses would each supply 50% of the money for the project.

Def.: impariisekan ka bali
MS: impariisekan ka bali
something you paid a very good price for, because it was cheaper than usual.
I only paid thirty pesos for that T-shirt! It was a real bargain!
Sem.Dom.: GSL1726-1750
Status: not yet fully checked

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012