Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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/a-soh-shee-yate (v), a-soh-shee-yət (n, adj)/
Def.: egbehey te dakel ne timpu te peg-elit-elit wey pegduma-ruma diyè te senge etew
MS: egbehey te dakel ne timpu te peg-elit-elit wey pegduma-ruma diyè te senge etew
If you associate with someone, you spend a lot of time with them.
She associates with many people from the next sitio.

Def.: duma te trabahu wey ke migparumdumeey [migparumdume͡ey] te himu
MS: duma
a person whom you work or spend time with.
Please invite your friends and associates to the dinner.
Palihug imbitara nu ka me alukuy nu wey dumaa [duma͡a] nu te eglabung.

Def.: due kalabetan
MS: due kalabetan; kalabetan, due
If you are associated with a particular person, group or idea, you are connected with with them in some way.
He has been associated with some criminal gangs.

Def.: egpegsumpul wey ke egpeglagpù diyè te suman-suman
MS: egpegsumpul; egpeglagpù
If you associate one thing with another thing, you connect those two things in your thinking.
I always associate biku with my grandmother, because she always cooks it.

Def.: kenè ne malasi ne duma piru due katenged ne iling te malasi ne duma
An associate member of an organization is not a full member, but has some of the rights and responsibilities of a full member.
He is an associate member of our club, but he does not need to come to meetings.
Mimbru sikandin te grupu ney ne kenè ne malasi, piru kenad keilangan ne egtambung pad sikandin te miting.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0626-0650 - related
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Oct/2012