Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: karumaan [karuma͡an]; sakup
MS: karumaan; sakup
a person or thing who is part of a particular group.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0226-0250
Def.: pegkaruma
MS: pegkaruma
the fact that you are a member of a group.
He stopped his membership of the team, because he didn't have time.
Migsanggel sikandin te pegkaruma te grupu, su warè timpu rin.
n-ct, n-coll.
Def.: langun ne karumaan [karuma͡an] te punduk
the people who are part of a group.
This association has a membership of more than 200.
We will need to ask our membership what they want.
Sem.Dom.: collective nouns
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012