Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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“rice stalk”
n.Picture of usang   Picture of usang
the fine stalk holding a rice or uliben grain onto the main stalk
Iyan egngaranan te usang ka nakaamut-amut ne me lawa te paley wey ke dewun naa. Eyew egkaawe sika, igdampil ka paley ne emun ke egkahangu e human pad egpalayapi.
Dakel ka usang diyè te lama ney su diyè ney man dieka ka paley ney.
There's a lot of rice straw in our yard because we just thresh it there (by treading it).
Wrd.Gloss: rice_stalk
Eng. rice stalk; stalk, rice; rice straw; straw, rice; rice stem; stem, rice
OCM: Ethnobotany (824)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone or something (eg-usangen, in-usang/mig-usang/pig-usang, theme, eg><en-) to remove or separate the rice grains from the stalk by treading on it
Eg-usangen ku ka paley puun te usang.
I will separate the rice from the stalks.
Eng. separate; remove
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for the rice (eg-usangen, in-usang/mig-usang/pig-usang, theme, eg><en-) to sift (grain) through the fingers (removing it from the stem)
Eng. sift through fingers
OCM: Ethnobotany (824)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(usangen, -en) stalky rice; failure; few bearing of grains
Eng. stalky rice; few bearing of grains
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,AAA,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 20/Feb/2015

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