Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egkeugseban, neugseban, location, egkA><en-) to become scorched (by the heat, cold, or water)
Egkeugseban ad e te keinit te aldew ka migteterung te manggad.
I, who put a cloth over my head, am scorched by the heat of the sun.
Eng. scorched
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for something (such a medicine on a wound or water) (eg-ugseb, mig-ugseb/in-ugseb, actor, eg><ø-) to penetrate or soak into something (eg-ugseban, in-ugseban/mig-ugseban/pig-ugsuban, location, eg><an-)
Isip ku ne kenà a egkeugseban te uran su duen ma inteterung ku, piru nasubid e bes ded.
I'm thinking that rain will not soak into my body for I have a raincoat, but I was wrong, it soaked in.
Eng. penetrate; soak in; absorb
DDP: Wet (1.3.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (eg-ugseben, in-ugseb/mig-ugseb, actor, eg><en-) to push something down deeper
Ugseba nu teg luwit ka sayuti su makehal e.
Peel a thicker layer of skin off the sayote (vegetable) because it's tough.
Cult. e.g., a serving spoon into a dish of salad, a seed into the ground when planting, a knife when peeling something.
Eng. deeper; thicker
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 21/Dec/2011