Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for something (egkasubid, actor, egkA><ø-) to become wet
Bukusi nu te silupin ka pepil nu su egkasubid te uran.
Wrap your paper up in a plastic bag because it will get wet in the rain.
Eng. wet; damp; moist; soaked
DDP: Wet (1.3.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
for someone (egkasubiran, location, egkA><an-) to get wet (esp. in the rain)
Eng. wet
DDP: Wet (1.3.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egsubid, agent, eg><ø-) to make something (egsubiren, theme, eg><en-) wet
Subira nu ka napul ne itrapu nu due te ulu te terak su nabasakan.
Wet the cloth and wipe down the truck because it's muddy.
Eng. wet
Tag. magbasâ; basaín
Ilo.: basa-un
OCM: Garment Care (296), Personal Hygiene (515)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,NJK,QDL
Last updated: 07/Dec/2015

Links to health books

"subiren" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

"Egsubiren" in healthbook "Migpamawian ni Inuk ka sumbaley rin ne migpangaliskis"

"egkasubid-subid" in healthbook "Miggendiye te huspital si Mirsi ka migtibi"

"Egsubiren" in healthbook "Eg-ay-ayaran ta ka me ngipen ta"

"kasubid" in healthbook "Egmenuwen ta ne keneg masulug ka me anak ta"