Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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vi.Picture of egpanubad   Picture of egpanubad
for someone (egpanubad, migpanubad/impanubad, agent, eg><ø-paN-) to sacrifice by killing a bird or animal (egpanubaren, impanubad/migpanubad/pigpanubad, patient, eg><en-) often for the sake of a sick person (egpanubaran, impanubaran/migpanubaran, location, eg><an-)
Kenè kew pa keèn su egpanubaran te pad.
Anybody is not yet allowed to eat because there is a prayer first.
O. Syn. salengkat
Eng. sacrifice; pray
Tag. manalángin; magdasál
Ceb. mag-ampò
Ilo.: agkarárag
WBM: tuvad
OCM: Religious Experience (781)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
for someone (egpanubad-tubad, migpanubad-tubad/impanubad-tubad, agent, eg><ø-paN-rdpRT-) to pray intensely (egpanubtubaran, impanubtubaran/migpanubad/pigpanubtubaran, patient, eg><an-pA-rdpCVC-)
Layun kew egpanubad-tubad ke egpanggipanew kew.
Just always pray if you have walk.
O. Syn. eg-ampù
Eng. pray intensely; bless
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(tubtubaren, rdpCVC–en) a prayer
Eng. prayer
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(panubaran, -an-an) an altar; a spirit house; the thing sacrificed
Eggendiyè te panubaran ka langun ne Matigsalug eyew egpanubad.
All Matigsalug will go to an altar place to sacrifice.
Eng. altar; spirit house; sacrificial house; prayer house
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(panubaranan, -an-an) a specific place where the ritual performed
Miggendiya a te panubaranan su egkeupian a ne egpakaheram.
I went to ritual+place because I want to experience what is there.
Eng. place; ritual place
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(pegpanubad, peg><ø-) a prayer
Ka pegpanubad ne meupiya amana egpaminehen te Manama.
The prayer which is good God will listen it.
cf. ampù
Eng. prayer
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 01/Feb/2017

Links to songbook

"panubtubari" in song "Manama ne matulus"

"panubtubari" in song "Malehet ne geyinawa ni Hisus"

"panubad" in song "Eggimu a te himu te Manama"

"Egpanubad-tubad" in song "Kene kad e sinehew"