Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka kapitulu iyan ka baad te guhuren ne migbunsud e man-e te iyam ne guhuren wey ke iyam ne suman-suman wey ke tahù te guhuren. Egkaayun ne malayat ka sabeka ne baad te guhuren wey ke malepet naan . Piru ka igpasabut te seini ne lalag iyan ka sabeka ne baad te me baad te sabeka ne libru wey ke guhuren naa te minsan hentew ne meyitenged te minsan nekey.
Basaa niyu ka an-anayan ne kapitulu te Matiyu su sika ka egbebasbasan ta kuntee.
Read the first chapter of the book of Matthew because we will learn/lean onto that today.
Eng. chapter
Tag. kapítuló
Ilo.: kapítulò
OCM: Publishing (214), General Character of Religion (771)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: RJH,AAA,TME,RJH
Last updated: 10/Dec/2010