/iks-trækt (v), eks-trækt (n)/
Def.: eg-awè
MS: eg-awè
If you extract something from another thing (e.g., a tooth from your mouth), you pull it out. It is usually not easy to do.
The dentist extracted a bad tooth from my mouth.
Ka dintista mig-awè te mareet ne ngipen kayit te be-bè ku.
Def.: egpaligwang; egpaawè; egpehè
MS: egpaligwang; egpaawè; egpehè
If you extract a substance like oil from a thing such as a plant or the ground, you take that substance out of it.
They press the coconut to extract the oil from it.
Migpehè dan ka niyug eyew egligwang ka mentika.
Def.: me lalag ne egkuen puun te sinulat wey ke libru
words which are taken out of a piece of writing or a book.
Our teacher read an extract from the poem.
Ka meistra ney miglalag te me sinulat puun te tula.
Sem.Dom.: AWL7
n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: 1 peg-awè; 2 pegpaligwang; pegpaawè; pegpehè
MS: peg-awè; pegpaligwang; pegpaawè; pegpehè
the action of extracting.
Note: (sense 1,2)
Mining is the extraction of things such as oil from the ground.
Status: ready
Last updated: 18/Jan/2012