Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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crazy; insane
Ka egbusawen sika se warad hilew eglelebas e diyè te kasuluhan.
Kenè kew dumaruma te sika ne malitan su egbusawen sika.
Don't accompany that girl because she's insane.
Eng. crazy; insane; abnormal
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
for something (egbusew, migbusew/imbusew, theme, eg><ø-) to cause someone to be crazy (egbusawen, imbusew/migbusew/pigbusew, patient, eg><en-) to become crazy
Imbusew a dengan su nakakeen a te maligsem piru neulian e red kuntee su imbawian a te iney ku.
I was crazy before because I ate dirty food but I'm well today because Mom heals me (give me medicine).
Eng. crazy, to become (cause); crazy; stupid; insane; mad; foolish; deranged; mentally deranged
Tag. lukú-lukó; sírà ang ulo; nasisiráan ng baít
Ceb. buang
Ilo.: agbagtit
OCM: Personality Disorders (158), Spirits and Gods (776)
DDP: Mental illness (2.5.8)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Eng. imbecile
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(busbusawen, rdpCVC–en) idiotic
Mateles perem ne etew ka nasinug-ung ku ganna, piru busbusawen bes.
The man I came across earlier was handsome but he is idiotic.
Eng. idiotic
DDP: Mental illness (2.5.8)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: QDL,RJH,QDL
Last updated: 19/Jan/2010

Links to texts

"busew" in text "Proving Innocence I (When Accused of Theft)"

"busew" in text "Proving Innocence I (When Accused of Theft)"

"busew" in text "Proving Innocence I (When Accused of Theft)"

"busew" in text "Sacrificing to Avert Sickness"

Link to Bible concordance
