Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: pegbehey; pegtanggu (meyitenged te egmambebeli)
MS: pegbehey; pegtanggu; sirbisyu
the help which a customer receives in a shop.
That shop has excellent service; the staff are very helpful.
Amana ne meupiya ka sirbisyu te sika ne tindaan; amana ne mabulig ka me trabahanti.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: pegbulig pegtanggu
MS: pegbulig pegtanggu
the action of doing something to help people.
He received an award for his service to the community.
Nakarawat sikandin te unag tenged te pegbulig rin diyè te kumunidad.

Def.: peggimu te pepil ne isip (ke nekey ka trabahu)
MS: peggimu te pepil ne isip
the action of working in a particular job or role.
The director thanked him for his many years of service in the company.
Impasalamatan sikandin te diriktur din tenged te masalig ne leg-un ne peggimu rin diyè te kumpanya.

Def.: egkahamit wey egpakabulig te masalig (meyitenged te peglelawa wey ke unturanan)
something that many people can use or which helps many people (e.g., a health service, a bus service).
The midwife goes to the village every week to provide a health service for mothers.
Eggendiyè ka midwayp te me sityu tagsè simana eyew te pegpamawi te me iney.
There is no jeepney service to my town.
Ware terak ne egpamasahiru diyè te ugpaan ku.
After the storm there were no water or electricity services for a week.
Pegkapenga te baggiyu kenad e egpakabehey te weyig wey sulù te senge simana.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0226-0250
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012