Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: bayew
MS: bayew
to some extent
He's a rather good singer; not the best in the village, but quite talented.
Bayew meupiya sikandin ne manggulahing; kenen kinameupiyaan te bariyu, piru bayew mateu.
rather than
Def.: du te
MS: du te
If you are talking about two things, you use rather than to say that you choose one thing, and not the other thing.
We should leave in the morning rather than the afternoon, because it will get dark.
Keilangan ki ne eg-awè te maselem du te maapun [ma͡apun], su egmarusilem e.

would rather
v-aux + adv.
Def.: igkeupii pad
MS: igkeupii pad
If you would rather do one thing than another thing, you want to do the first thing more than the second thing.
I would rather live in the mountains than in the city, because it is much cleaner here.
Igkeupii ku pad ne eg-ugpè kayi te bubungan te diyè te siyudad, su amanan malinis kayi.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0276-0300
Status: ready

Last updated: 29/Jun/2012