Def.: egpabulus taman te (meyitenged te kaluhayen)
MS: egpabulus taman te
If something lasts for a certain amount of time, it continues for that time.
The fiesta lasted five days.
Ka pista migpabulus taman te lalimma ne aldew
Def.: egpekeuma taman te (meyitenged te kaluhayen)
MS: egpekeuma taman te
If something lasts for a certain amount of time, it is good for that time.
This fruit will not last until next week, because it is ready now and the weather is hot.
Ka seini ne prutas kenè egpekeyinguma taman te seup ne simana, su eleg e seini wey ka timpu ta meinit.
Def.: due eleg ne egkahamit taman te kalayatan te aldew
If something lasts for a certain amount of time, there is enough to use for that time.
We have enough rice to last us three more days.
Due eleg ne behas ne egkakeen ta taman te tatelu ne aldew.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0126-0150
Status: ready
Last updated: 18/Jan/2012