Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpaseg-sewuhey; egbehey te uras te duma wey egpakilalag kandan; egpaalukuyey
MS: egpaseg-sewuhey; egpaalukuyey
If you interact with other people, you spend time with them and communicate with them.
It's fun watching children interact with each other.
Amana ne egpakalingaw ke egpipitew te me batè ne egpaalukuyey.

Def.: egpekeg-ayuney te peggimu wey ke egpekegbalew-balew ka tagsè sabeka wey ke egpekeyimu te lein ne minsan nekey.
If two things interact with one another, they cause each other to change somehow.
Some medicines interact with each other if you take them at the same time, and that is not good.
Ka duma ne me bawì ke egpegsewuhen nu te eg-inum te sabeka ne timpu, kenè ne meupiya egpakabehey seini te lein ne kapabulusan.
Sem.Dom.: AWL3

n-ct, n-uc.
Def.: 1 pegpalalahey; egpaalukuyey 2 pegpekeg-ayuney te peggimu wey ke pegpekegbalew-balew ka tagsè sabeka wey ke pegpekeyimu te lein ne minsan nekey.
MS: pegpalalahey; egpaalukuyey; pegpekeg-ayuney; pegpekegbalew-balew
the action of two or more people or things interacting.
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012