Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Note: toto, not sure if you've checked this one
Def.: tembil; sumpul
MS: tembil; sumpul
something that is added to another thing to make it bigger (e.g., a room added to a building, a part added to a road).
They are putting an extension on their house.
Intembilan dan ka baley ran.

Def.: patuhut ne timpu
MS: patuhut ne timpu
a period of extra time.
I asked my teacher for a three-day extension for my project, because I had been sick.
Migbuyù a te patuhut pad ne tatelu ne aldew te talagpanulù ku eyew te peg-impus te himuwen ku, su migderalu a nahud.

Def.: numiru ne igtimul nu ta numiru te tilipunu te kumpanya eyew egkaayun ka ne egpakalalag duritsu diyè te nateil ne etew
a number which you add to the telephone number of a company. This extra number allows you to reach a particular person directly.
I dialled the number of the company, and then dialed extension number 15 to reach my uncle's office directly.
Indayal ku ka numiru te kumpanya, wey lagkes te igtimul ne numiru eyew te diritsu diyè te upisina te anggam ku.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1476-1500
Status: not yet fully checked

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012