/de-mæhnd, de-mahnd/
Def.: eglalag te mapahetpet ne pegbuyù
MS: egbuyù
If you demand something from someone, or demand that they give you something, you tell them strongly that they must give it to you.
He demanded an answer from the frightened child.
Def.: mapahetpet wey pehes ne pegbuyù
MS: mapahetpet wey pehes ne pegbuyù; pegbuyù ne mapahetpet wey pehes
a very strong request for something (make a demand).
They did not listen to the demands of the kidnappers.
Def.: egkeilangan
MS: egkeilangan
If something demands something, it needs that thing.
Babies demand a lot of time and patience.
Ka batè egkeilangan te dakel ne timpu wey pasinsya.
The problem demanded my immediate attention, so I left work in order to to fix it.
Def.: keilanganen (ne eggimuwen wey ke igbehey)
MS: keilanganen
A demand on you is something that you need to do or give.
As barangay captain, there are a lot of demands on his time.
Def.: pegkakeilangan (meyitenged te kasuluhan te me etew ne egmambebeli)
MS: pegkakeilangan
The demand for a particular product is how many people want to buy it and can buy it.
This product is very popular: there is a high demand for it.
Ka seini ne pruduktu amana ne mabantug: due dakel ne pegkakeilangan te me etew kayi.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0501-0525
Status: ready
Last updated: 26/Sep/2012