for someone (egtinawè, agent, eg><ø-) to reach out their hands to retrieve something (egtinaween, theme, eg><en-) often something from a height
Egtinaween ku pad perem ka tinenges ne intaruwey keddì piru warè kud e neumeyi su insalukabmit e te duma.
I stretch out my hand to take the baon (provision) hand to me but I lose it for it was grabbed by the others.
Eng. stretch out hand; retrieve; take; reach out; bring down
Tag. umínat; mag-inát
Ceb. bayaw ang buktun
OCM: Weight Moving (483), Gestures and Signs (201)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Updated by: RJH,TME
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009