Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egtimpla, migtimpla, intimpla, agent, eg><ø-) to prepare (egtimplaan, migtimplaan, intimplaan, patient, eg><an-) something (such as coffee, medicine etc.) (igtimpla, theme, ig><ø-) for someone
Egtimpla sikandin te delemetan eyew te kammuhè.
She is mixing medicine for sore eyes.
Egtimplaan ad e ni kandin te keppi ku.
She is preparing coffee with me.
Igtimpla kud e seini se gatas te meinit ne weyig.
I will mix this milk to the hot water.
Eng. mix; preparing
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
for someone (egpanimpla, migpanimpla, impanimpla, agent, egpaN-) to request (egpatimpla, migpatimpla, impatimpla, patient, egpA-) with a serve by someone (igpatimpla, theme, ig-pA-) with something
Sikeykew ka egpanimpla te igpalambeg ta te me pinamula.
You will be the mixer of fertilizer for the plants.
Egpatimpla sikandin te keppi keddì.
She is requesting me to prepare him coffee.
Iyan ku igpatimpla kuna ka menubu ne keppi.
I got a native coffee for you prepare coffee.
Eng. serve; preparing; mix
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
Created: 18/Jun/2009
Updated by: QDL,RJH
Last updated: 29/Jul/2014