Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(egtekang, migtekang, tekang, eg><ø-) dry lahas fruit
Ka tekang ne lalag iyan igpasabut ka pegkahangu te lahas. Egpamuruten seini wey eglimuren diyè te egsugnuwan. Igteluk taman te egtekang e. Su emun ke kenè pad egtekang seini ne egkeenen e, eggilu.
Egtekang e hapit ka lahas su meitem e.
The lahas fruit is almost dry because it's turn in to black.
Kenè kew keen te lahas ke warè pad nahangu su eggilu.
Do not eat lahas fruit if it is not dry because it's poisonous.
Eng. divide; split
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
Created: 07/Jun/2017
Updated by: RAA
Last updated: 12/Apr/2018