Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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n.Picture of tahi-tì   Picture of tahi-tì
a plant, the stalks of which are used for making brooms
Cult. They stalks and seed heads are dried, and then beaten onto the ground to remove the seeds. Then they are tied into bundles to make a soft-headed broom with a handle about 1m long.
Eng. broom plant
OCM: Flora (137)
DDP: Plant (1.5)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egpanahi-tì, migpanahi-tì/impanahi-tì, panahi-ti, agent, eg><ø-paN-) to gather tahi-tì stems in order to make soft brooms
Mahirap ka egpanahi-tì diyè te duhiyen su egkengapalian ki.
Collecting tahi-ti stems in a thorny area is difficult because we get cut up.
Eng. collect broom material; make brooms
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 07/Aug/2012