Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egsebat-sebat, migsebat-sebat/insebat-sebat, agent, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to touch food that he can't eat to avoid being cursed
Wrd.Gloss: avoid_curse
Kenè kid e egtahad te sinuba su egsebat-sebat ki .
We will not waiting the cooked food, we will just say the words (incantation for the snake to don't bite)
Cult. A ritualistic requirement to avoid tungkè. A person who can not, or does not want to eat food that is offered him, or who forgets to eat something that he had been craving must do one of the following, perhaps in order of effectiveness. 1) Rub a pinch of the food into his foot, his forehead, and his lips. 2) Touch the food with his finger. 3) If the person is already too far away from the food when he remembers, he may simply utter "eg-sebat-sebat-sebat".
Eng. ritual; touch food
DDP: Sense of touch (2.3.5)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: JLM,AAA,RJH,QDL
Last updated: 25/Nov/2009