Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka kelep iyan ka migpanubu ne lenem tenged te liyas wey tenged naa te hagsil. Iyan pad duma ne kaluwasan kayi ka ngaran te klasi te kulat ne egtubu diyè te me batang ke ting-uran. Iling karakel seini te talinga te ambew wey egpakeepus iya te batang ke egmanubu wey bayew egmalalab, egmeebul-ebul wey egmeitem se batek kayi.
Migsilengleng key ka migpamupu te kelep sikan naa ka ingkelep key degma ka nanguli.
We harvested the wild mushroom despite of rain that is why we went home chilled.
Syn. lenem
Eng. goosebumps
Sarangani: genaw
WBM: genew
Cotabato Manobo: genaw
Binukid: genaw 'to have chills and fever'
Cagayano: ginnaw 'chilled'
Tagbawa: gano
Obo: gannaw
Proto: genaw
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (egkelepen, kelepen, patient, eg><en-) to feel coldness (igkelepa, ingkelepa, reason, ig–a)
Kelepen a.
I'm cold.
Ant. keinitan
Eng. cold; chilly
DDP: Cold (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for something (egpakakelep, nakakelep, actor, egpAkA-) to cause someone cold, or to be a thing (igpakakelep/impakakelep, reason, igpAkA-) which makes them cold
Eng. cold; chilly
DDP: Cold (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,TME,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 29/Jul/2014