Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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to give the strong without worry
Ka ihe iyan mangune-kune ne peggimu te sabeka ne himu wey kenè ne kabaluan . Egkaayunan kayi ka minsan nekey ne himu iling te egkeen, egsuntuk, egtibbas, wey masalig pad ka duma.
Kenè eg-ihè ne egtibbas si Wilyam su egbiid-biid en iya.
Wilyam is not taking easy???
Kenè eg-ihè ne eg-ehet ka iney rin su minsan seeyè te kalibulungan ne egpanagyawan iya ka egsapad te anak.
Her mother has no fear even in a public she shouted to discipline her children.
Ihè iyan nekeuma ka ne mig-uran e.
Eng. not prudent; harsh; not gentle; full limit; full strength; not patient
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: TME,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009