Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eg-erek, mig-erek/in-erek, agent, eg><ø-) to plant rice (paley) or sometimes corn (aheley) in a field (eg-erekan, mig-erekan/in-erekan/pig-erekan, location, eg><an-) by making a hole with a (dibble) stick (ig-erek, in-erek, instrument, ig><ø-)
Wrd.Gloss: plant
Eg-erek a te paley diyè te kamet ni Amè diyè te Buha.
I will plant rice to the father's failed in Buha.
Eg-erekan ney te dinuradu ka kamet ney seeyè te liwaraan te bubungan.
We will plant dinuradu rice to my kaingin field at the middle of the mountain.
Nekey ka paley ne ig-erek niyu seeyè te kamet niyu?
What kind of rice seeds that you are going to plant on your field.
Cult. this type of planting requires the use of a long stick, as apposed to the short one used to egtuwil. Although it takes longer, and divides labor between the one who digs the hole and the one who drops the seed, it is still preferred by some because the long stick makes a sound each time it is used to pierce the ground. Perhaps this has superstitious or religious significance.
Genr. pamula
O. Syn. bubul
Eng. plant rice; rice, plant; dibble stick
Tag. magtaním; túlos
Ceb. magtanum; urok
Ilo.: agmúla; waláwal
OCM: Agricultural Science (242), General Tools (412)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 18/Oct/2013