Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka basura iyan ka minsan nekey ne warad karuan amana iling te luwit, dewun, wey hilamunen. Seini iya ka egngaranan te nakalkalasi ne lapek.
Limura niyu ka me basura su egsilaban ta kangkuwa.
Gather the garbage for we will burn it afterwards.
Kenè kew lelapek su mareet ne egtengtengan ke egkapayatpat ka basura.
Don't litter around because it is messy to have have junks anywhere.
Eng. waste; litter; garbage; litter; scraps; junk; grass seed; trash; prunings
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
(basurahan, -an) garbage dumping site
Eng. dumping site
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: TME,QDL
Last updated: 12/Sep/2011

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