Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Eng. disgruntled
DDP: Contentment (, Angry (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
for someone (egbahulbul, migbahulbul/imbahulbul, bahulbul, agent) to complain about something (egbahulbulen, imbahulbul/migbahulbul/pigbahulbul, bahulbula, theme, eg><en-) to the person (egbahulbulan, imbahulbulan/migbahulbulan/pigbahulbulan, bahulbuli, recipient, eg><an-) who they believe caused that problem (igbahulbul, imbahulbul, ibahulbul, reason, ig><ø-)
Egbahulbul en iya si Tinuy ke kenè egkaay-ayaran te egbayad.
Tinuy complains when he is not paid fairly.
Imbahulbulan ku sikandin te utang din.
I complained to him about his debt.
Iyan egbahulbulen te hari ku warè nakakeen te biku.
This is the thing my sister complained about: she wasn't able to eat biku.
Iyan igbahulbul te hari ku su warè nakakeen te biku.
This is the reason why my sister complained: she wasn't able to eat biku.
Eng. complain; grizzle; grump; grumble; blame; accuse
Ceb. bagulbol
DDP: Contentment (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
for someone (egbahulbul, migbahulbul/imbahulbul, bahulbul, agent, eg><ø-) to be complained to by someone who is not happy with them (egkabahulbulan, nabahulbulan, mabahulbuli, location, egkA><an-) for some reason (igkabahulbuli, ingkabahulbuli, ikabahulbuli, reason, igkA><i-)
Eng. complained
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
for someone (egpakabahulbul, nakabahulbul, actor, egpAkA-) to be able to complain to someone about something (igpakabahulbul/simpakabahulbul, reason, igpAkA-)
Eng. complain, able
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Last updated: 29/Jul/2014