Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kuneen; kahiyen
MS: kuneen; kahiyen
If you presume that something is true, you believe it without asking or checking.
I presume that you know the answer.
Kuneen ku ke nakataha ka te tabak.
Your plan for the surprise party presumes that he will not come home early. But what if he comes home early?

Def.: eggimu te minsan nekey ne warè katenged
If you presume to do something, you do that thing even though you do not have the right or authority to do it.
She presumed to borrow her boss's motorbike without asking.
Migsambey sikandin te mutur te ahalen din ne warè migkahi minsan warè katenged din.
Sem.Dom.: AWL6
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012