Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: deisek ne lanew; ligtung; nalibulung ne weyig
MS: lanew ne deisek; ligtung; weyig, nalibulung ne
a small body of water or another liquid which is not moving.
There were pools of water on the ground after the rain.
The cup fell over, and a pool of coffee formed on the table.

Def.: linew
MS: linew
a part of a river where the water is not moving fast.
We swam in a deep pool in the river.

Def.: hinimu ne pamanihusan
MS: pamanihusan
a man-made place where you can swim: a swimming pool.
That resort has a swimming pool.

Def.: egkalibulung (meyitenged te weyig)
MS: egkalibulung
If a liquid pools somewhere, an amount of it collects there.
Water pooled in the holes in the path.

Def.: eg-amut
MS: eg-amut
If a group of people pool something such as money, each person gives some.
The three of us pooled our money to buy a pig.
Mig-amut ki ka tatelu te seleppì eyew igbeli te babuy.

Def.: limuranan wey ke natahahè eyew te minsan nekey ne ka grupu te me etew egpakahamit ke egkeilanganen dan
a quantity of something (e.g., money, things, workers) that a group of people can use if they need to.
In our group we each put 20 pesos per week into the money pool, so that there is money if anybody has an emergency.
The hospital has a pool of nurses that they can call if one of the regular nurses is absent.

Def.: galew ne eggamit te bula ne due lumiru ne diyè eggalawa te lamisa.
a game which is played on a table using balls with numbers on them.
In pool, the black 8 is the last colored ball on the table.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0776-0800
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012