Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: impamitey; nabitey
MS: impamitey; nabitey
If something hangs somewhere, it is connected to something high, so that it isn't touching the ground.
The clothes are hanging on the fence.
Ka me kumbalè impamitey diyè te alad.

Def.: egbitin; egsanggat; egsampey; egbitey
MS: egbitin; egsanggat; egsampey; egbitey
If you hang something somewhere, you attach part of it to something high, so that it is not touching the ground.
She hung the clothes on the fence.

Def.: egbitayen (meyitenged te peggimatey te etew ne due salè te balaud), pinaahi te peggiket te lubid diyè te lieg ne kenè egpekeuma te tanè ke me paa.
MS: egbitayen
If someone hangs a person, they kill that person by putting a rope around their neck and attaching the rope high so that the person's feet do not touch the ground. In some countries, this is a punishment for crime.
In some countries, criminals are hanged (by the government).
Diyè te duma ne nasud, egbitayen ka me talagbunù (te gubirnu).

Def.: egluhè (pinaahi te peggiket te lubid diyè te lieg)
MS: egluhè
If someone hangs themself, they kill themself by putting a rope around their neck and attaching the rope high.
The criminal hanged himself.
Migluhè ka nakapatey.
Irreg.  hung [hang], hung (for senses 1 and 2); hanged [hængd] , hanged (for senses 3 and 4)..
Sem.Dom.: GSL0776-0800
Status: ready

Last updated: 20/Sep/2012