Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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vi, vt.
Def.: egpakakita wey egpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan
MS: egpakakita te kaleinan; egpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan
If you differentiate between two things, or differentiate one thing from another, you can see the things that are different.
The twins look the same, and many people can't differentiate between them.
Ka seping iling te egpekeg-iling, wey masalig ne etew ne kenè egpakakita wey egpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan dan.
He is color blind, and so he can't differentiate red from green; they both look the same to him.

Def.: egpakapasuwey; egpakapalein
MS: egpakapasuwey; egpakapalein
If something differentiates one person or thing from others, it makes them different from the others.
His brown hair differentiates him from his black-haired friends.
Ka makalawag ne bulbul rin egpakapasuwey kandin te me alukuy rin ne memeitem se bulbul.
Sem.Dom.: AWL7

n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: pegpakakita wey pegpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan
the action of differentiating.
Note: (sense 1)
The differentiation of green and red is difficult for color blind people.
Ka pegtengteng te kaleinan te meilem wey malalab su amana ne malised diyè te kenè egpakameleg-meleg ne me etew te batek.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012