Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkataharan; egkeinsaan
MS: egkataharan; egkeinsaan
If one thing determines another thing, it causes the other thing to be a certain way.
The weather will determine our plans for tomorrow.
Ka timpu ka egkataharan te planu ta kaaselem.
My test results will determine whether I pass the subject.
Ka risulta te te tis ku ka egkataharan ke nakapasar e naa te sabdyik ku.

Def.: egnengneng
MS: egnengneng
If you determine something, you know it by checking the facts about it.
The doctor did some tests to determine the patient's exact illness.
Ka duktur miggmu te duma ne peggeram eyew egnengneng te eleg ne dalu te pasinti.

Def.: eg-alam
MS: eg-alam
If you determine something, you decide and choose it.
My parents allowed me to determine my own plans for the vacation.
Ka ginikanan ku migtuhut keddì ne eg-alam ke hendei a egbakasyun.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0351-0375
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012