Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpakita wey eggimu te himu
MS: egpakita wey eggimu te himu
If you demonstrate that something is the case, you show that it is the case by using actions, examples or reasons.
She demonstrated that she was sorry by changing her behavior.
Migpakita wey miggimu sikandin te pegbuyù te pasaylu pinaahi te pegbalewbalew te kandin ne pegbebatasan.
vi, vt.

Def.: egpakita ke egmenuwen te eggimu ka minsan nekey
If you demonstrate how to do something, you do it to show people how.
My father demonstrated how catch fish because I didn't know how.
Ka amey ku migpakita ke egmenuwen te egdakep ka ngalap te weyig su kena a egkateu.

Def.: egparid wey ke egmiting (eyew te pegpakita te kenè pegkahalè)
MS: egparid
If a group of people demonstrate, they have a parade or public meeting to show that they are unhappy about something.
In the capital city, hundreds of people demonstrated about their bad work conditions.
Diyè te iney ne siyudad, eggatus ka me etew ne migpakita te warè pegkahalè te sitwasyun te trabahu ran.

Def.: 1 pegpakita wey peggimu te himu; 2 peggimu wey peggamit eyew te pegpakita; 3 egpakita te warè pegkahalè
MS: pegpakita wey peggimu te himu; peggimu wey peggamit eyew te pegpakita; pegpakita te kenè pegkahalè
the action of demonstrating (senses 1 & 2).
Many people watched his demonstration of how to use a computer.
Def.: pegparid wey ke pegmiting (eyew te pegpakita te kenè pegkahalè)
an event in which people demonstrate in a public parade or meeting.
Hundreds of workers joined the demonstration in the capital.
Sem.Dom.: AWL3
Status: ready

Last updated: 28/Sep/2012