Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: puunanan; ligkatanan
MS: puunanan; ligkatanan
The basis of something is the thing which it comes from.
We used the old design as a basis for the new design.
Inggamit ney ka tapey ne pegkeyimu ne puunan te iyam ne eggimuwen.

Def.: aliddanan wey ke kamalehetan ne egpakabulig
MS: aliddanan ne egpakabulig; kamalehetan ne egpakabulig
The basis of an idea is the fact which supports it.
On the basis of her school results, I think she may get a scholarship.
Te kamalehetan te risulta te iskuylaan [iskuyla͡an] din, egsuman-suman a ne egkeiskalar sikandin.
I have checked their situation, and I don't think they have any basis for complaining.

Def.: nateil ne pamaahi te peggimu
MS: pamaahi
If something is done on a particular basis, that is the way that it is done.
She works for me on a part-time basis.
Migtrabahu sikandin keddì te nateil ne timpu ne pamaahi.
We meet on a regular basis, once a week.
Pl. bases [bay-seez]
Sem.Dom.: GSL0576-0600
Status: ready

Last updated: 15/Dec/2012