Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a small, black type of bee
Wrd.Gloss: tamusan_bee
Cult. feeding on tree sap, lives in holes in the trunk. The wax is used too stick the frets (damalan) onto a kuglung
Ka tamusan egpekeiling seini te lengew-lengew. Dereisek wey kenè egsehed. Piru duè teneb wey dalit. Diyè seini eg-ugpè te me lungag te kayu, wey ke diyè naa te lungag te batu.
Egpuwahen ta ka tamusan diyè lungag te kayu.
We will smoke out tamusan bee in the hole of the tree.
Nakapallahuy a su naaldek a te tamusan.
I run because I am afraid of tamusan bee.
Eng. bee variety; insect variety
OCM: Fauna (136)
DDP: Insect (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: RT

Updated by: RJH,AAA,NJK,RAA
Last updated: 27/Jun/2018