Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egtampelè, egpanampelè, agent, eg><ø-, eg><ø-paN-) to insult or ridicule someone (egtampeleen, location, eg><en-)
Ka egtampelè iyan eglalag te mareet te sabeka ne etew diyè te tangkaan din naa wey minsan kenè.
Intampelè te biseyè ka me menubù diyè te Tulay su maddeet se me baley.
The visayan man ridiculed the natives in Tulay because their houses were ugly.
Iyan iya innendini te me Biseyè te inged te me Matigsalug ka egpanampelè.
The Visayan people came in the area of the natives just to insult (them).
Cult. (Two former pastora's who told the people not to bother coming to church in their tattered clothes)
Cult. Stronger than lemet
Syn. lemet
Eng. ridicule; insult; scoff; scorn
Tag. mangutyâ; manuyâ
Ceb. tamay
OCM: Non-electronic Transmission of Messages (202), Social Offenses (689)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(mapanpanampelè, mA1-paN-paN-) cruel
Mapanpanampelè si Tiyuduru su minsan ka imbebaley ku intampelè din piru sikandin mismu kenè egkateu ne ebebaley.
Tiyuduru is cruel because even the house I built he ridiculed but he himself don’t know how to build a house.
Eng. cruel
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,AAA,RJH
Last updated: 06/Jan/2012