Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: newun-a
MS: newun-a
You use former to describe something which you had before, but not now (e.g., your former boss)
I met my former science teacher when I visited the school.
Nalambag ku ka newun-a ne talagpanulù ku te sayans te pegleuy ku diyè te iskuylaan [iskuyla͡an].

Def.: dengan
MS: dengan
You use former to talk about something that you did in the past, but not now.
My father is a former teacher, but now he works in an office.
Ka amey ku meistru dengan, piru kuntee migtrabahu e sikandin diyè te upisina.

Def.: hun-a te daruwa ne kasangkapan
MS: hun-a te daruwa ne kasangkapan
You use former to talk about the first of two things (and you use latter to talk about the second).
She tried a red shirt and a blue shirt, and she liked the former.
Inggeraman din ka malalab ne kumbalè wey ka meilem ne kumbalè te egsaluub, wey ingkeupii rin ka hun-a ne in-eleg-eleg din.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0676-0700
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012